The skills, personality traits and mindsets for good team decision making

The skills, personality traits and mindsets for good team decision making

May 6, 2024

One of the many factors that determines the success or otherwise of a team is how team members participate in decision making. 

  • Are team members suggesting ideas and providing feedback about ideas in a team forum or is their minimal contribution? 
  • Do some team members dominate the discussion and others simply agree with what is put forward?
  • Is their impulsivity in decision making or overcaution causing indecision?    

Decisions and decision making, particularly when important things are at stake, are usually better when there are a range of options put forward and the merits and faults of each are dispassionately interrogated and when the team makes a considered decision without the need for a perfect solution nor for everyone to agree.

The skills, personalities and mindset of the people in the room will determine whether the team has the capability to participate in decision making in a way that supports good decisions.  So, what are some of the skills, personality traits and mindsets required?

What skills, personality traits and mindsets do you see in your team that contributes to good decision making?

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